No field day?? No problem!! Glow dance party in Mrs. Warden's 4th grade classroom!
almost 6 years ago, Bunnie Warden
Dance party!!
Due to the marshland that is our field, and the cool temperatures; we will be staying inside. Teachers and staff will be working on doing fun events in the hallways and classrooms, so the kids can still enjoy some physical activities.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
FFA Members, Parents, and Guests we hope to see all of you tonight to celebrate the accomplishments of Verona FFA! The banquet will begin at 6 pm in the school cafeteria. Members don't forget to wear your official dress. See you there!
almost 6 years ago, David Parrack
Reading Bingo Party
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Nom Nom
Ice Cream
They received a book too!
Elementary will go ahead with plans for field day tomorrow. Be advised, the ground will be wet and muddy. Bring a change of clothes, shoes, a towel. If it is raining we will stay inside. Parents are more than welcome to come and participate or help out.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
3rd grade All About that Bass
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Mrs Cooper & Mrs. Rodenberg's classes
Talent Show
almost 6 years ago, Beth Fenske
The Duck Song
The Duck Song
Talent Show
almost 6 years ago, Beth Fenske
Gummy Bear Teachers
Elementary Talent Show is Tuesday. We are going to start at 1 in the gym. Parents are welcome to come and watch their students. This is going to be so awesome!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Congratulations to our Scott Tech Award Recipients. I’m proud of your hard work!
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
Celebrated our sixth graders today!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
You will be missed!
Blue Reward Field Trip forms need to be returned tomorrow. If you have any questions, please call the school.
almost 6 years ago, Audrey Swindell
The Verona R-VII School District has a new phone number. It is 1-833-402-9580. The old numbers will not be used after a period of transition. You may start using the new number immediately. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Tony Simmons
Because of thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon, 4th grade canceled their field trip to Neosho. We did however have a great day at school, watching movies, eating popcorn, & drinking hot chocolate! We even had a STEM competition with paper airplanes. Field trip $ sent home.
almost 6 years ago, Bunnie Warden
Fifth Grade Field Trip to Ralph Foster Museum!
almost 6 years ago, Beth Fenske
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade Field Trip to Ralph Foster Museum!
almost 6 years ago, Beth Fenske
Fifth Grade Field Trip to Ralph Foster Museum!
Fifth Grade Field Trip to Ralph Foster Museum
Fifth Grade Field Trip to Ralph Foster Museum!
Fifth Grade Field Trip to Ralph Foster Museum!
6th Grade Tea invitations are coming home today.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Fair Winners; special thanks to Mrs. Kullman and the teachers for helping create such special memories!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Grace had the winning guess.
Sebastian and Emilee
Multi-Cultural Fair
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Miss Reyna showing us her gorgeous poncho.
PTA showing their love for teacher appreciation! Thank you all so much!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Pizza is always a good choice!
Nom Nom
Snacking is life!