The rain on Tuesday did not stop our Summer School fun!
almost 6 years ago, Beth Fenske
The rain on Tuesday did not stop our Summer School fun!
The rain on Tuesday did not stop our Summer School fun!
Incredible Pizza
almost 6 years ago, Beth Fenske
Incredible Pizza
Incredible Pizza
The tale of two Champions! Good Luck!
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
Summer school parent pick up will be located down near the playground for today.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Wildcat fans here for support as we play for sectionals against Walnut Grove. Hoping the rain holds off.
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
Our angel rocks at Benton Elementary. Love being a part of a caring community!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Benton sends their appreciation.
Baseball Sectional Update: Due to the impending weather tonight we are going to move today’s baseball start time up to 2:00 pm.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Weiss
ELEMENTARY BASKETBALL CAMP UPDATE: We will not be going today because the baseball game has been moved up to 2:00 pm. We will go Tuesday and Thursday this week and Monday thru Wednesday next week.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Elementary Basketball Camp Update: On Monday we will be ending at 4. We are doing this because the baseball team plays at 4:30.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Sectional Baseball Information: vs Walnut Grove @ Verona Baseball Field Monday, May 20th, 2019 Start Time: 4:30 pm Cost: $7.00
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Parents it is not too late to sign-up your child(ren) for Basketball Camp. The dates of the camp are Monday, May 20th-Friday, May 24th. We will go from 2:45 to 4:15. You can drop your form off at the Elementary or High School Office or bring it with you the 1st day of camp.
almost 6 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Basketball Camp Sign Up Form
Basketball Camp Sign Up Form
Congratulations to our Baseball District Champs!
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
Congratulations Ashley and Courtney on their getting 1st Place for their Food systems division 6 State FFA Agriscience project, titled: Flour Power. They presented a research paper prepared by them and took questions from judges. These members worked extremely hard, even coming to school after the school year had ended to perfect their project.
almost 6 years ago, David Parrack
Wrapped that game up in two innings. 15-0
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
One down
First place in the state. Congratulations!
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
District games in Hurley today and tomorrow!
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
Verona R-7 Baseball
Summer school for 2019-2020 K-12 students starts tomorrow, Wednesday 15th. Free breakfast served starting at 7:30, classes begin at 8. Lunch provided, parent pick up at 2:45. No school on Fridays, ends June 18th. See you in the morning!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Perfect attendance for the year.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Pizza for Alex.
We don't need a field! 😁
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Cornbag Toss
Football Toss
Scooter Relay
Standing Broad Jump
No field day?? No problem!! Glow dance party in Mrs. Warden's 4th grade classroom!
almost 6 years ago, Bunnie Warden
Dance party!!