Students of the week.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Chris Hedrick and Ella Tosh
Multi-Cultural Fair is in the elementary today. Come over and check out our countries.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
4th grade checking out Spain.
Guess the amount of beans! Thanks Mrs. Kullman for organizing today!
Thanks Ms Melvey and Ms. Tiff!
Congratulations to our Entomology team! These girls competed yesterday at Missouri State FFA Convention against 48 schools. They placed 20th and received a silver rating!
almost 6 years ago, David Parrack
FFA state
Egg Rolls are here! If you ordered Egg Rolls please pick them up today!!
almost 6 years ago, Tina Guiles
Celebrating our Debbie.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
A day late. 😁 She’s so gracious!
Congratulations to our Ozark 7 and Co-conference champs!
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
Varsity girls
Varsity boys
Verona 7-12 Academic Awards Night is tomorrow, Thursday, April 25. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of so many students.
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
2nd grade had a "splashing" good time at the Neosho Fish Hatchery
almost 6 years ago, Audrey Swindell
Getting to see how the fish are transported
Feeding the fish
Fun times!
2018-19 Verona Elementary 2nd Grade Class
Students of the week.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Caiden Hillhouse and Dennsye Garcia
It's Sale Day! All of the greenhouse plants are lined up and ready for customers. We have hanging baskets, lots of geraniums, peppers , and tomato plants. We will be in the agriculture shop form 3:15-5:30.
almost 6 years ago, David Parrack
Don't forget about the plant sale next Tuesday! We have a wide variety of hanging baskets and flats, all grown by Verona Agriculture Students. Here Evelyn Reyes our 2 varieties of Wave petunias, Plum pudding and Burgundy star.
almost 6 years ago, David Parrack
Hanging baskets
4th grade is going on a field trip! Permission slips are coming home today. Please send permission slip and money back to school by April 24.
almost 6 years ago, Bunnie Warden
The Verona FFA will be having a plant sale April 23-24 3:15-5:30pm. In the Agriculture shop/greenhouse. Hanging Baskets- $10 6”pots- $3 4” pots- $2 4packs- $2 Plants include: wave petunias, geraniums, coleus, impatiens, marigolds, begonias, sweet potato vine, tomatoes and peppers.
almost 6 years ago, David Parrack
Plant sale
Bus 4 had a substitute driver this evening. It was involved in a very minor accident with a pickup. There were no injuries nor any vehicle damage.
almost 6 years ago, Tony Simmons
More 5th grade field trip
almost 6 years ago, Julie Papen
5th Grade Filed Trip to Roaring River State Park. We hiked, learned about lichen, and also learned about the spring that is there!
almost 6 years ago, Julie Papen
Resting 3
Resting 2
Resting 1
Ready for our hike
Grades 3-6 start their math MAP testing tomorrow through Thursday. Let’s get plenty of rest, and be ready to do our best!
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Students of the week.
almost 6 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Wyatt Reed and Stephanie Soto.
Seventh and eighth grade start state testing tomorrow. You can help your student do their best by making sure they get to school on time, encouraging them to get a good night’s sleep, and feeding them a healthy breakfast. You are the most important influence in your students lives. Thank you for supporting them.
almost 6 years ago, Naomi Austin
4th grade had a great time yesterday at the Mo. Institute of Natural Science! They learned all about fossils, and even got to go on a fossil dig so they could take fossils home!
almost 6 years ago, Bunnie Warden
Digging for fossils.
Headed to the dig site.
Fun in the rocks.
Girls can be scientists too!! :-D