Parents are welcome at the MSSU cross country meet on the 16th for grades 3-6.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
MSSU Cross Country Meet Grades 3-6
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Classroom teachers have the forms.
There will be no JH Boys basketball practice tomorrow morning (10-2-19)
over 5 years ago, Chris Long
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Gabe Shuman & Summer Kelly
Jr. high speech and debate
over 5 years ago, Candice Voirin
The Freiburger’s debate!
The finalists debate history’s most influential person.
These two girls finished up solving the hallway Sudoku puzzle!! New board & new numbers coming up tomorrow! Way to go girls!
over 5 years ago, Bunnie Warden
Sudoku... solved!!
Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Kason McSwain & Bethany Baker
Title teachers talking push-in schedules with Ozark 7 educators.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Blackburn, McCaffrey, & Freiburger.
Celebrating Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday
over 5 years ago, Beth Fenske
Celebrating Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday!
Tonight's JH Basketball schedule @ Shell Knob: Games begin at 5:30 Girls A 1/2 Girls B (14 min running clock) Boys A 1/2 Boys B (14 min running clock)
over 5 years ago, Chris Long
Color Color!
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Mollie & Jaidyn
Verona Jr. High Basketball @ Purdy
over 5 years ago, Candice Voirin
Let’s go Wildcats!
Verona in motion
Verona Jr. High Basketball @ Purdy
over 5 years ago, Candice Voirin
Jr. Lady Wildcats
J.C. rockin’ the court
Academic Team Class- Quiz Bowl
over 5 years ago, Candice Voirin
In class quiz bowl
In class quiz bowl
Please remember that tomorrow is Winter Wednesday. If your kiddos bring a dollar they may buy ice cream at lunch time. Also, our Children's Smile Center visit is tomorrow so you may remind your kiddo.
over 5 years ago, Berlinda Goewert
Kinder art learning about Hispanic heritage and patterns.
over 5 years ago, Ruth Hunter
Making cats with patterns
Making patterns
Creating cats
Patterns on cats
over 5 years ago, Ruth Hunter
Dot day
Pointillism on dot day.
Blending dots.
Thanks Mrs Mikaelian and Mrs. Shelby for helping us with our Escape room!
over 5 years ago, Berlinda Goewert
Glacier Escape room
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Serious work.
Smoking and Vaping are causing havoc on a person's teeth. More teenagers are using these products. Children Smile Center staff will be on campus October 2, 2019 to perform a Free Dental screening/fluoride treatment. Permission notes are going out today. Please return these ASAP.
over 5 years ago, Patsy DuPlessis