Parents are welcome at the MSSU cross country meet on the 16th for grades 3-6.

MSSU Cross Country Meet Grades 3-6

There will be no JH Boys basketball practice tomorrow morning (10-2-19)


Jr. high speech and debate

These two girls finished up solving the hallway Sudoku puzzle!! New board & new numbers coming up tomorrow! Way to go girls!

Students of the Week.

Title teachers talking push-in schedules with Ozark 7 educators.

Celebrating Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday

Tonight's JH Basketball schedule @ Shell Knob:
Games begin at 5:30
Girls A
1/2 Girls B (14 min running clock)
Boys A
1/2 Boys B (14 min running clock)

Color Color!

Verona Jr. High Basketball @ Purdy

Verona Jr. High Basketball @ Purdy

Academic Team Class- Quiz Bowl

Please remember that tomorrow is Winter Wednesday. If your kiddos bring a dollar they may buy ice cream at lunch time. Also, our Children's Smile Center visit is tomorrow so you may remind your kiddo.

Kinder art learning about Hispanic heritage and patterns.

Thanks Mrs Mikaelian and Mrs. Shelby for helping us with our Escape room!


Smoking and Vaping are causing havoc on a person's teeth. More teenagers are using these products. Children Smile Center staff will be on campus October 2, 2019 to perform a Free Dental screening/fluoride treatment. Permission notes are going out today. Please return these ASAP.