Trunk or Treat, Tuesday Night.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Please come get some clothes, shoes, and coats.
over 5 years ago, Naomi Austin
Lost and food.
More clothes
Don’t forget! FFA fish fry is this Saturday!
over 5 years ago, Devin Wilkerson
Don’t forget! FFA fish fry is this Saturday!
XC Meet
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Good form
Foot race
Almost missed the shot.
She might catch her.
XC Meet for grades 3-6
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
On your mark.
XC Winners 1st Place Winners 3rd grade girls Yaretzi Lopez time 7:58, and 5th grade boys Kaleb Sherwood time 6:41.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Top 3
Top 3
1st Place
Getting ready for our run.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Missing hoodies, jeans, sweats, shorts, sneakers, and jackets? Lost and Found items were sorted, washed, and will be available at the cafeteria during Thursday night's Parent Teacher Conferences. Beanies and gloves also available. Left overs will be donated to needy students.
over 5 years ago, Patsy DuPlessis
Oct 23, Lawrence County Health Dept. Flu Clinic in Verona School Nurse office. 7:15 -10:30 am. Permission notes sent last week, not too late to sign up. Parents and siblings welcome. Medicaid = free, other/no Insurance is $5.00@ child, $30@ adult. Call 1 833 402 9580 x 521.
over 5 years ago, Patsy DuPlessis
Verona FBLA members presenting MO Day facts to elementary students.
over 5 years ago, Susan Senninger
MO Day 2019
MO Day 2019
Report Cards were handed out today in the Junior High and High School. You can also view grades in the Parent Portal. If you don't know the login just call the office and we'll help you. Also, we hope to see all of our parents at Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday or Friday.
over 5 years ago, Naomi Austin
FBLA members attending MSU College of Business
over 5 years ago, Susan Senninger
MSU photo
Elementary report cards will be handed out during parent teacher conferences Thursday and Friday. See you then!
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Picture Retakes are scheduled for October 15th
over 5 years ago, Debbie Pankau
Jaycee & Lilly are bound and determined to reach high.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Reaching high!
Schedule of Events for XC Meet Oct 16th for grades 3-6.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Schedule of events.
We may have to make this a semester event. It’s not getting colored as fast as I thought.
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Mark your calendars! FFA members are currently selling tickets.
over 5 years ago, Devin Wilkerson
Fish Fry
Beauty abounds in 4-H garden at Cannon Park!
over 5 years ago, Debbie Pankau
Beauty abounds in 4-H garden at Cannon Park!
Students of the Week
over 5 years ago, Melody Whitehead
Milo Akin & Nevaeh Biellier