October 25, 2023
Mr. Stumbaugh's World History class practiced their Greek Phalanx formation, but in their battle against just a few staff members, they were not victorious. Thank you to the sta...

August 3, 2023
Earlier this week, you received an email from "notifications@getalma.com"
Alma is our new student information system and will be replacing Tyler SIS K-12.
Please use this e...

June 29, 2023
4th - 6th graders need the following school supplies.

June 29, 2023
Preschool - 3rd grade students needs the following school supplies

May 18, 2023
Please return your forms to get updated physicals and immunizations thru the Cox Caremobile!

April 6, 2023
Verona Wildcat Corn-holed boards for sale $90 for a set no bags, $100 for a set with slightly used bags. For availability ask to speak to the AG teachers

April 3, 2023
Verona R-7 is currently looking to fill the following positions for the 2023-2024 school year. Currently Hiring For:
Elementary Classroom Teacher: The Verona R-VII School ...

March 9, 2023
We hope to see you this Saturday, March 11th for the Verona Baseball & Softball Cornhole Tournament.

February 15, 2023
We are looking for Baseball & Softball Sponsors
To Learn more about the different levels of sponsorship
please contact Denny Mayne at 417-229-7878

January 21, 2023
In the event of a snow day, please visit the following site to view information about Alternative Methods of Instruction AMI Information

January 19, 2023
Grade K - 12 will be celebrating the Great Kindness Challenge next week, January 23rd - 26th. Dress up days will include: Monday--Work It Out and Don't Sweat It! Be Comfortab...

January 5, 2023
January 4, 2023
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Our district is required to inform you of information that you, according to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (Public Law 1...

May 19, 2022
Today students participated in Verona’s multicultural fair. They made crafts and creative projects, ate ice cream, played games and enjoyed an escape room activity in their classro...

May 10, 2022
Mike Gervais interviewed our 4th grade students to ask them the best lessons they've learned this year.

April 14, 2022
What better way to kick off state testing than with a visit from a beloved character. KC talked about the importance of trying your best on the test.

April 1, 2022
Mrs. Barnett was recognized at the Southwest Center’s Celebration of Schools for being the district teacher of the year.

February 9, 2022
Pictured are our three recipients of grants from the Aurora Area Community Foundation. From right to left the recipients are as follows: Tiffany Simmons, Julie Rysted, and Brandi ...

January 12, 2022
Every year we have a building wide competition for the most kind acts. The winning class will earn a pizza or ice cream party. This year we added a Kindness Royalty contest. Any s...

November 27, 2021
Our Project with DONORS CHOOSE. Most of our projects have been things they create with paper, pencil, or watercolors however, not all students thrive using paper, pencil, and pain...