Mrs. Freiburger, Mrs. Nettles, and Mrs. Fenske’s classes made paper bag life jackets today at summer school!
over 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Life Jackets
Life Jackets
Life Jackets
Students are hard at work finishing up their complex machine projects. Almost there!!
over 4 years ago, Bunnie Warden
inclined plane
The Middle/High school students are rocking their STEM class! Students are really getting creative with their designs! Engineering process hard at work in summer school!
over 4 years ago, Bunnie Warden
ball drop
rotating cup
Summer school Middle/High school STEM... having an awesome time while learning!
over 4 years ago, Bunnie Warden
2020 graduation
over 4 years ago, Ruth Hunter
Principal Naomi Austin
Ashley Freiburger
Verona Graduation 2020 Join us to celebrate our Verona Graduates on Friday, June 19 4:00 p.m. Rehearsal in the gym (graduates only) 5:30 p.m. Group pictures dressed in cap/gown 6:00 p.m. Baccalaureate held in the gym hosted by First Baptist Church open to the public 6:30 p.m. Baccalaureate Reception hosted by First Baptist Church for graduates and their families in the cafeteria 7:00 p.m. Graduation Ceremony open to the public
over 4 years ago, Crista Witt
Summer School Day 2!
over 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Day 2
Day 2
Day 2
Day 2
Summer School Lunch Menu
over 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Summer School Lunch Menu
Mrs. Freiburger, Mrs. Nettles, & Mrs. Fenske’s classes worked on a senses chart with coconuts today at summer school!
over 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Summer School Fun
Summer School Fun
Comenzamos la escuela de verano esta mañana, 15 de junio. Recordatorio, los días son de lunes a jueves hasta el 14 de julio. El horario es de 8: 00-3: 15, el desayuno se sirve a partir de las 7:30. No se proporciona transporte en autobús. Los estudiantes de primaria irán a la piscina todos los jueves por la mañana para jugar en el agua, se proporcionará transporte a la piscina de Aurora y de regreso. ¡Espero verte mañana, si no lo hiciste hoy!
over 4 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
We kicked off summer school this morning, June 15th. Reminder, days are Monday thru Thursday until July 14th. Hours are 8:00-3:15, breakfast served starting at 7:30. There is no bus transportation provided. Elementary students will go to the pool each Thursday morning for water play, transportation will be provided to the Aurora pool and back. Hope to see you tomorrow, if you didn’t make it today!
over 4 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
We are so happy to see students here for summer school. This year in addition to the normal elementary classes and credit recovery, we are offering junior high classes. The high school students also have an opportunity to earn an elective credit. It's not too late to join us.
over 4 years ago, Naomi Austin
Summer schools starts Monday, doors open for breakfast at 7:30. Don’t forget to bring your own water bottle!! We are so excited to see everyone!!
over 4 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
30 Ways to Get Moving in the Classroom These would be great at home too!
over 4 years ago, Beth Fenske
Ways to Move!
If you have a need for Dairy Box please come to the Aurora Holy Trinity Catholic Church until 5:30. We have 70 boxes. It is first come first serve. Boxes are provided by Convoy of Hope.
over 4 years ago, Brandi Freiburger
Verona is looking for a night custodian for the 2020-2021 school year. Competitive salary and benefits. Call 833-402-9580 for more information.
over 4 years ago, Tony Simmons
Attn: All Next Year 5th and 6th Graders, Coach Stewart and Coach Weiss will be having an Elementary Basketball Camp on the following dates: June 22 and 29 July 6 and 13 It will be after summer school from 3:30-5. It is FREE!
over 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
Attn: JH/HS Basketball and HS Volleyball Players, The summer schedule is finished and has been posted on each team's respective app. If you are not signed up for your team's app please contact Coach Stewart - or Coach Weiss -
over 4 years ago, Brandon Weiss
We will look at holding kindergarten screenings in August. However, you can still enroll your students. Contact Debbie in the office to enroll at 833-402-9580 Ex501
over 4 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
Verona planea celebrar la escuela de verano a partir del 15 de junio al 14 de julio con horario de 8: 00-3: 15, de lunes a jueves. El desayuno se servirá a partir de las 7:30. Estamos trabajando con los departamentos de salud del condado de Barry y Lawrence para mantener saludables a nuestros estudiantes y profesores. Cada estudiante deberá proporcionar su propia botella de agua con su nombre, las fuentes de agua comunitarias no estarán disponibles. Los estudiantes podrán rellenar botellas en la escuela si es necesario. Trabajaremos para mantenernos seguros y lavarnos las manos regularmente. Además, no se permitirá a nadie en la escuela con fiebre. Los únicos viajes de campo que se pueden planificar en este momento son los viajes "posibles" los jueves a la piscina de Aurora, en espera de los procedimientos del parque. Nos centraremos en cubrir el contenido perdido o debilitado debido al cierre de las escuelas 3 meses antes. Si no ha inscrito a sus estudiantes, llame a las oficinas el martes entre el 9 y el 2.
over 4 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead