Our graphic design students are creating animated comics with google slides. Check it out here! https://wildcat-art.blogspot.com/p/graphic-design-digital-media.html?m=1
almost 5 years ago, Ruth Hunter
The FFA plant sale set up and ready for you to shop. We will be here until 2pm if you can’t make it today we will be here tomorrow or you can call and place an order by calling Mr. Parrack 417-812-6235
almost 5 years ago, David Parrack
plant 1
plant 2
Verona High School Graduation has been rescheduled for June 19th at 7:00 PM. We will release more details as they become available.
almost 5 years ago, Naomi Austin
FFA will be hosting their annual plant sale this Wednesday and Thursday from 10-2 in the gravel parking lot. Attached is a flyer that has plants and prices, note that the impatiens are sold out. If you would like to preorder then feel free to email Mr. Parrack or me. We will be able to answer any questions and be able to set up a time for you to pick up if you choose to preorder. We accept checks or exact cash. We have quite a few of most plants but a few are limited so it is first come first serve. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Devin Wilkerson
Plant Sale
Meal delivery by bus started today. Jr/Sr High School also delivers paper packets on Mondays. If you have asked for delivery, please make sure that your dogs are put away. A couple of staff members have been nipped. Please and thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Naomi Austin
Feeling a little cranky? Need something to cheer you up? Listen to Mrs. Rysted share the story "Crankenstein." Visit her google classroom (code 3rk2ztj).
almost 5 years ago, Julie Rysted
Elementary Family; May 7th between 10:00-1:00 you may come to the school to pick up any supplies left and the final work packet. The last day of school is the 19th, so teachers will be using the packets, Google classrooms, Seasaw, ScootPad, email, texts, and phone calls through the 19th to continue student learning as much as possible. This is not how we envisioned the last month of school back in August; however, I appreciate how hard teachers and students have continued to work together to keep learning important. If your student hasn’t gotten on ScootPad yet, I encourage you to help them get set up. The program is individually designed instructional paths created based on their winter NWEA scores. It’s an excellent tool for students to stay on the proper curriculum path. We still hope to have summer school, the district will make plans (possibly into July or early August), details will come out when the direction is clearer. Hope to see you on the 7th. Everyone stay safe and healthy.
almost 5 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
Check out toytheater.com for activities for your children!
almost 5 years ago, Beth Fenske
I found this fun activity using emojis to guess the book titles.
almost 5 years ago, Dianna Barnett
Elementary Parents: Let's Keep Reading! For PDF versions of books, join my Google Classroom by using my Class Code - pnvigrp or e-mail me at bfreiburger@veronar7.net. Have a great day and stay healthy!
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Freiburger
Fun Activities for Home
almost 5 years ago, Beth Fenske
Fun Activities for Home
Jr/Sr High School Students: This weeks assignments are going out today. You are expected to do your work, and it will be graded. (Hold Harmless with Effort) Just do your best! Contact your teachers if you have questions about assignments. Their virtual office hours are 12-3.
almost 5 years ago, Naomi Austin
If you know a little someone who will be 5 on or before July 31st, and they are ready to start kindergarten (and did not attend Ms. Angie’s preschool) please call the elementary office at 833-402-9580 ex 501 or 503. We will look at enrolling now, screenings will be scheduled for a later date.
almost 5 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
We are working to organize a meal delivery service through the bus company for the remainder of the school year. Meals are available for children between the ages of 1 and 18. You do not have to be a Verona Student to receive meals. The meals will be delivered Monday - Thursday, leave the Verona campus around 11:00 AM, and include breakfast and lunch for each child. Please fill out the form linked below if you would like to participate in food service delivery. https://forms.gle/JvWAPEzApxBtj4H66
almost 5 years ago, Naomi Austin
Hola familias de Verona Elementary, los estudiantes recibirán o habrán recibido paquetes de trabajo por correo. Cuando el gobernador Parsons anunció el cierre de las escuelas de Missouri, los distritos tuvieron que considerar cómo manejar las calificaciones y la regresión. Todos los estudiantes tienen alguna forma de regresión durante el verano, lo que significa que pierden algo de lo que ganaron durante el año escolar. Nuestra situación actual no será un mes o dos de regresión, sino posiblemente hasta cuatro meses y medio de regresión. Detuvimos las calificaciones con el tercer trimestre; sin embargo, las oportunidades de aprendizaje aún deben ser proporcionadas por los distritos. Es por eso que los maestros envían paquetes a casa e intentan llegar a los estudiantes a través de la tecnología. Nuestro propósito ahora es proporcionar a los padres expectativas de nivel de grado y detener cualquier regresión que podamos. No se darán calificaciones por ningún trabajo completado. No hay ninguna expectativa de que devuelva el trabajo al maestro; a menos que el maestro te haya contactado personalmente. Todos estamos en aguas desconocidas; Lo mejor que podemos esperar es que todos tengan algunas oportunidades de aprendizaje y se mantengan seguros y saludables. Enviaremos más paquetes a casa a principios de mayo para terminar el año escolar. Todavía no hay respuestas sobre la escuela de verano; Sin embargo, es una esperanza que podamos mantenerlo. Si tiene más preguntas, llame a la escuela a la extensión 503. Reviso mis mensajes telefónicos todos los días o envíe un correo electrónico a mwhitehead@veronar7.net.
almost 5 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
Hello Verona Elementary Families, Students will be receiving or have received work packets in the mail. When Governor Parsons announced the closing of Missouri schools, districts had to consider how to handle grades and regression. All students have some form of regression over the summer, meaning they lose some of what they gained over the school year. Our current situation won't be a month or two of regression, but possibly up to four and a half months of regression. We stopped grades with 3rd quarter; however, learning opportunities must still be provided by districts. Which is why teachers are mailing home packets and trying to reach students through technology. Our purpose now is to provide parents with grade level expectations, and to stem any regression we can. There will be no grades given for any work completed. There is no expectation for you to return work to the teacher; unless the teacher has contacted you personally. We are all in uncharted waters; the best we can hope for is everyone to have some learning opportunities and to stay safe and healthy. We will send more packets home at the beginning of May to finish up the school year. There are still no answers over summer school; however, it is a hope we will be able to hold it. If you have further questions, please call the school at extension 503. I check my phone messages daily, or email mwhitehead@veronar7.net.
almost 5 years ago, Melody M. Whitehead
Virtual education
almost 5 years ago, Tony Simmons
Virtual Rd will not replace public ed.
Thursday night at 7:00 ABC will be airing a Disney Family Singalong! Have fun singing with your family!
almost 5 years ago, Beth Fenske
Hey Wildcats! In Mrs. Rysted's google classroom, you can create a plan for staying in touch with your friends and even send them a digital postcard! Check out the social relationships activity in the classwork section (code 3rk2ztj)
almost 5 years ago, Julie Rysted
For you comic book lovers: you know who you are....here is a link to the professionals demonstrating on how they draw the Marvel characters. https://www.marvel.com/watch/digital-series/marvel-quickdraw
almost 5 years ago, Ruth Hunter
Marvel quick draw inspiration.