Scholarship Tips

  1. Scholarship information will no longer be posted on the bulletin board outside the office. Students must check the website frequently to obtain current information on scholarships.

  2. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the scholarship information from the Counseling Center, complete the required materials specified in each scholarship eligibility requirement guidelines, obtain necessary documents (letters of recommendation, transcripts, test scores, etc.), obtain necessary signatures and submit by mail or online.

  3. Pay attention to deadlines; some are "postmarked by" and some are "received by": if neither is specified, assume it is "received by".

  4. Some scholarships are college specific and others are to colleges / universities of your choice.

  5. GPA requirements are based on the semester which ended just prior to the scholarship application deadline unless otherwise specified.

  6. ACT score requirements are based on the highest score achieved by the scholarship application deadline unless otherwise specified.

  7. It is prudent for students planning to apply for scholarships to begin acquiring letters of recommendation from at least four different sources. Letters should not be from family members, but from people such as teachers, pastors, employers, etc. Do not obtain letters from people of the same acquaintance (i.e. not all four letters from teachers, etc.) Request letters from people who know you well and will have positive comments about your abilities and character.

  8. Most scholarships require a resume. Maintaining a personal portfolio is beneficial. These items require some time and effort and should be prepared in advance.

  9. Many scholarships are available . It's free money, available to you if you work for it. Make sure you apply!

  10. Statewide and Nationwide scholarships will be more difficult to win, because there will be a larger pool of students. Apply for regional scholarships first!

  11. Do not wait until the last minute to request a letter of recommendation, transcript, or even signatures from your sources. Unexpected events occur (illness, meetings, school cancellation) and your sources may not be available at the last minute. Please give staff adequate to fill out paper work for your scholarships.